12-14-2019 , 05:00 PM
Quote:The City of New Orleans, Louisiana has suffered a ransomware attack that has led to the shut down of the city's servers and computer, but the city states emergency services remain intact.
According to a press conference held by Mayor LaToya Cantrell, it was confirmed that the city was hit by a ransomware attack, but that no ransom demands have been found at this time.
Kim LaGrue, the city's Chief Information Officer, stated that the city first detected the attack at 5 AM when suspicious activity was detected on the network. By 8 AM, when workers started accessing their computers, the city detected an uptick of this suspicious activity and began actively investigating the situation.
Between 11-11:30 AM an outside agency confirmed that the city was under attack and the city engaged with Federal and State partners who have been helping them with active forensic and cyber investigations.