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[Udemy ] The Django Bible™ | Python for Web Developer
The Django Bible™ | Python for Web Developer | Udemy

Have you ever wonder how to create a Web application but didn't know where to start? Have you previously tried to learn Django but got fed up with impertinent course videos and poorly written tutorials?
Then, you ended up on the right course!
In this course, I will take you through the basics of python through Django basics and all the way of creating real-world web applications. Wouldn't it be the craziest experience if you could build any web application after learning this single course?
What is Django and Why to use it?
Django is an open-source python web framework used for rapid development, pragmatic, maintainable, clean design, and secures websites. A web application framework is a toolkit of all components need for application development.
The main goal of the Django framework is to allow developers to focus on components of the application that are new instead of spending time on already developed components. It is fully featured than many other frameworks on the market. It takes care of a lot of hassle. involved in web development; enables users to focus on developing components needed for their application.
Choosing a language and framework because you used it on your last project — or because you are more familiar with it — is not the way to go.
Before starting a new software project, you want to evaluate which language and framework is the best fit for your desired outcomes. What matters most to you? Security, rapid development, scalability, versatility, support?
It’s better to make an informed choice before you begin your build rather than regretting it later (or worse “hacking” stuff into the project down the road because the stack you used doesn’t support it properly).
After years of experience with different technologies (including both mobile & web development), I believe Django offers a complete suite of features which no other web framework offer.

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