03-05-2019 , 03:29 AM
ShareX 12.4.1
ShareX is a feature-rich and powerful screenshot grabbing tool for Windows users. Honestly, it's one the most impressive graphic capturing tools we've come across on Softpedia in the freeware section.
ShareX open-source and filled with numerous configuration settings to help you upload the images online, execute automatic post-grabbing actions, making image adjustments, applying watermarks, and a lot more.
Free and open-source snapshot grabber
Firstly, you can make a clean and rapid installation with ShareX, thanks to the fact that it doesn't bundle third-party components. It creates an icon in the system tray at startup for quick access, allowing you to rapidly capture the screen in several ways as well as bring up the main window for tinkering with settings.
Manual or automatic capturing mode
It is possible to capture the full screen, active window, monitor, rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, triangle, diamond, polygon, free hand and last region, as well as to start a recording session and save the footage as a video or a GIF animations.
Home Site
ShareX 12.4.0 - 2019-02-20 Changelog:
ShareX is a feature-rich and powerful screenshot grabbing tool for Windows users. Honestly, it's one the most impressive graphic capturing tools we've come across on Softpedia in the freeware section.
ShareX open-source and filled with numerous configuration settings to help you upload the images online, execute automatic post-grabbing actions, making image adjustments, applying watermarks, and a lot more.
Free and open-source snapshot grabber
Firstly, you can make a clean and rapid installation with ShareX, thanks to the fact that it doesn't bundle third-party components. It creates an icon in the system tray at startup for quick access, allowing you to rapidly capture the screen in several ways as well as bring up the main window for tinkering with settings.
Manual or automatic capturing mode
It is possible to capture the full screen, active window, monitor, rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, triangle, diamond, polygon, free hand and last region, as well as to start a recording session and save the footage as a video or a GIF animations.
Home Site
ShareX 12.4.0 - 2019-02-20 Changelog:
- Added screenshot delay shortcut to main window and tray capture menu
- Added white ShareX icon option to “Application settings window -> Advanced tab”
- Custom uploader related changes:
- Moved custom uploader settings to its own window in the destinations menu to make it easier to access
- Added request, response and test tabs to create more space
- Added “Parameters” option which will be used to generate URL query string
- If the request URL contains a query string then it will be automatically converted to parameters for backward compatibility, and the query string will be removed from the request URL
- Added request “Body” option with these options:
- No body
- Form data (multipart/form-data)
- Form URL encoded (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
- JSON (application/json)
- XML (application/xml)
- Binary
- For backward compatibility: if request method is POST then body will be set as “Form data”, for rest of request methods “No body” will be set; if “No body” is selected then all arguments will be moved to parameters
- Allow overriding “Content-Type” and “Cookie” headers
- Added “Beautify” and “Minify” buttons for JSON data
- Added syntax highlighting support to all URL fields
- Added syntax menu to result URL fields
- Support $filename$ syntax in request URL and result URLs
- Store application version in custom uploader JSON to be able to better support backward compatibility
- Improve custom uploader batch import speed
- Added response text tab in test tab which also has “JSON format” and “XML format” buttons to tidy response text
- Removed “Response type” option
- Added $responseurl$ syntax, which can be used in place of previously removed redirection URL response type
- For backward compatibility: if redirection URL response type is used previously and URL field is empty then $responseurl$ syntax will be added to URL field automatically
- Added $header:name$ syntax, it can be used to get specific response header value
- For backward compatibility: if location header response type is used previously then $header:location$ syntax will be added to URL field automatically, but unfortunately automatic conversion of headers response type won’t be possible therefore warning text about it gonna be added to URL field
- Support drag & drop importing of sxcu files
- UI improvements to use data grid instead of add, update, remove buttons to let updating parameters, headers, arguments and regex list more easier
- Set automatic name watermark for name textbox to make it obvious that name field is optional and it will be generated automatically
- Added following OCR related options to task settings window (by @stuntguy3000):
- Process OCR silently
- Process OCR on dialog open
- Automatically copy results to clipboard
- When OCR is used for the first time, ask for permission from the user
- Support long file paths on Windows 10 when group policy is enabled
- Added “Filter missing files” option to image history
- Added Amazon S3 signed payload option
- Added delete input file option to “Task settings -> Actions”, which will only delete file if the output file path is different from the input file path
- Remember last save directory in image editor
- Implement Google Photos API because Picasa API is deprecated (by @lucario)
- Add user customizable gaussian blur to image effects (by @sylveon)
- Added Teknik file uploader, text uploader and URL shortener (by @uncled1023)
- In FTP settings, respect “Append remote directory to URL path” option even when “URL path” is empty
- In region capture, allow using proportional resizing Shift or snap resizing Alt together with corner moving Ctrl
- Added copy image dimensions option to main window context menu
- QR code decode button will now scan for all barcode types instead of just QR code
- Removed webpage capture which was using Internet Explorer to render, because built in browser capture methods are superior to this method
- Added right click and middle click actions for toast notification (Task settings window -> Advanced tab)
- Added optional setting to strip color space information chunks from PNG image (Application settings window -> Advanced tab)
- Added another easter egg to about window
- Show close button in region capture toolbar when Windows is in tablet mode
- Added JPEG quality option to image thumbnailer
- Added standard colors palette to the color picker dialog
- In color picker dialog, double clicking color palette box will select that color and close dialog automatically
- Added apply button for personal folder setting which will also restart ShareX so user don’t have to manually
- Allow changing name parser auto increment number from task settings window
- Added early copy URL support (Task settings window -> Advanced tab) for Amazon S3 and Azure Storage
- Added early copy URL support for Google Cloud Storage (by @lucario)
- Improved upload error output to include more details about request
- Removed FTP client tool