01-28-2019 , 09:27 AM
Welcome to photo source.Order a FREE photo book.and congratulations on your thank you offer.
Pick your most beautiful photos, upload them and make your personal photo book soft cover in the format 10x15 cm across with 30 * pages in gloss, the photo book you will receive including shipping costs, FREE *!
If you want to opt for a different photo book format, you will receive the value of 9,94 € charged on it!
The voucher printed on your Feodora packaging does not work?
In this case please use this coupon code in your shopping cart to get your free * photo book: eyg6-uux6-55va-gnkx
It's that easy:
1. Choose a photo book
2. Upload photos and create a photo book
3. Enter voucher code in the ordering process, done!
Have fun creating and ordering wishes.your photo source team
**Use Google Translator