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NRG Player Adblocker
NRG Player Adblocker

[Image: mBIHlsXU-h2xUXVMezdpOdFyHLcIX36PtU3A5VCL...pW=h310-rw]

NRG Player Adblocker removes advertising from NRG Player - free music player with equalizer, plays songs from folders and customizable user interface.

Buy once and on all devices with your account!


▶ No advertising
▶ Uninterrupted music playback
▶ Save traffic
▶ Longer battery life
Use NRG Player Adblocker

0. Login to your device with Google mail account you use to buy NRG Player Adblocker.
1. Install NRG Player Adblocker
2. Turn on the internet connection
3. Installation and Execution NRG Player
4. Do not delete NRG Player Adblocker from your device!

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