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My APKs Install restore apps
[Image: NjFkZl6.png]

Quote:My APKs Install is the perfect companion for My APKs and My APKs Pro as it will help you to restore your apps easily on all your devices. You could use your apk backupped with My APKs or My APKs Pro and do a normal or root restore without an internet connection to avoid appstore long search and download times. Or you could even do a drived appstore restore (backupped apk are still needed) to install up-to-date apps and with notified updates too if you are using a new/different account. My APKs Install let you choose Google Play or Amazon Store for using in appstore operations.

If your device is rooted and you grant superuser privileges to My APKs Install (see screenshots) you will be able to restore your apk without confirmation !!! And you will be even able to install previous versions over an already installed app (downgrade) without uninstalling first and loosing its data !!!

In case of paid/protected/not backuppable apps My APKs Install can use special files generated by My APKs and My APKs Pro version to reinstall them in a drived way using appstore.

A great aid is My APKs Install incremental restore, providing you a simple way to reinstall, in one or more steps, your apps after a full reset of your device.

Also, My APKs Install will allow you to share (email, bluetooth, wifi, skype, google drive, dropbox and others) and manage (move, delete, rename, calculate digital hashes) your apk. My APKs Install is an apk mass-renamer too with its rename auto feature.

My APKs Install is very light (less than 400 kb) and not intrusive because it requires very few permissions to operate. For every question please write us, we will reply as soon as possible.

Please LIKE on Facebook, +1 on Google Plus, write a review and help us to spread My APKs Install. Thank you for support.

Required permissions are for:
android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : management of apk
android.permission.WAKE_LOCK : avoid device to turn off during operations progress
android.permission.VIBRATE : system notifications
android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS : custom toast messages
android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED : persistent notification icon at boot
android.permission.ACCESS_SUPERUSER : root install (only on rooted devices) : license check

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