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Rufus Allows Users to Create Windows 11 Installation Media for Unsupported PCs
#1        Rufus Allows Users to Create Windows 11 Installation Media for Unsupported PCs
The latest beta build of Rufus allows requirements skip
Oct 11, 2021 12:34 GMT  ·  By Bogdan Popa  ·  Comment  ·               
Windows 11 ISOs are also available for download
Rufus is one of the most popular applications allowing users to create bootable installation media, and the most recent beta build brings some pretty good news for those who want to make the move to Windows 11.

Rufus can therefore create installation media that skips TPM and Secure Boot verifications, which essentially means that a USB drive you create with the app can be used to install Windows 11 even on unsupported computers.

Without a doubt, this is good news for those who believe their PCs are totally capable of running Windows 11 but aren’t allowed to get the OS because of the new system requirements, but on the other hand, Microsoft strongly recommends against doing this unless all verifications are passed.

Increased likelihood of problems
So in theory, Microsoft says, if you install Windows 11 on a device that’s not officially supported, you could end up struggling with all kinds of problems, including crashes and even Blue Screen of Death errors showing up all of a sudden, especially because of old and unsupported drivers.

“From Windows Insider machines, those that did not meet the minimum system requirements had 52% more kernel mode crashes (blue screens) than those that did meet the requirements. Machines that met the requirements provided a 99.8% crash-free experience that is effectively managed by OEMs and IHVs through modern driver update management. Additionally, on unsupported hardware app hangs are 17% more likely and for first-party apps we see 43% more crashes,” Microsoft said.

If you want to determine if your device is eligible for the update to Windows 11, you can always use the PC Health app released by Microsoft itself and which checks if all requirements are met on your device.

If they’re not, you should see an error message, while for everybody else, they should be informed the Windows 11 update is coming, as the rollout takes place in stages.

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