03-07-2021 , 03:36 PM
QT Core for Beginners with C++ | Build Cross-Platform Applications | Udemy
Write once, build anywhere – Qt runs on virtually anything. You probably have applications built with Qt running on your computer, smart phone, television, and other electronics.
No experience necessary, this is a beginners course that will teach you the foundations of both Qt 5 and C++. This course is meant as a direct replacement for an introduction to C++ class. This course starts off with simple topics such as "what is a variable" and ends with some basic Qt classes and how to work with them. The main focus of this course is to get the student a solid foundation to move forward from. At the end of this course you will be able to create basic applications using C++ and Qt 5. This course overs Qt 5. Because Qt 6 has so many changes, I will re-record these lessons using Qt 6 and place them into a different course, check my instructor profile for updates.