06-01-2020 , 10:40 AM
big THANK YOU to Dr.Web for this news
Last month, Doctor Web specialists found several threats on Google Play. New modifications of the dangerous Android.Circle malware family trojans executing attackers’ commands were among them. Moreover, the Android.HiddenAds.2124 adware trojan and Android.Joker.164 trojan, which subscribed users to premium mobile services and could execute arbitrary code, were found as well.
Android users and those simply interested please read full article HERE
Last month, Doctor Web specialists found several threats on Google Play. New modifications of the dangerous Android.Circle malware family trojans executing attackers’ commands were among them. Moreover, the Android.HiddenAds.2124 adware trojan and Android.Joker.164 trojan, which subscribed users to premium mobile services and could execute arbitrary code, were found as well.
Android users and those simply interested please read full article HERE