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Promo2day Review iWatermark Pro
[Image: Fp3hNuM.jpg]

iWatermark is a specialized tool created by Mark Fleming and Julian Miller to watermark photographs. It is more efficient, faster, simpler and far less expensive to use than PhotoShop.

iWatermark is the worlds No. 1 digital watermarking application that is compatible with Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad and Android. You will enjoy stylishly watermark a Copyright on a photo in seconds.

iWatermark Pro for Mac and Windows can exchange exported watermarks. As a standalone application it works with Lightroom, Photoshop, Picasa, ACDSee, Cumulus, Portfolio, PhotoStation, Xee, iView, PhotoMechanic and other photo organizers. iWatermark is the best watermarking software for all platforms and in combination with other software.

iWatermark Pro for Windows is an essential tool for anyone with a digital camera, professionals and beginners.

[Image: cRZGHt4.png]




You can purchase a license for 30$ on the official website (for the windows version). Price is different for other platforms

Product page:

Previous versions:

Current version:  2.5.23 Released:  21 October 2019


This is very easy. Simply double click the installer and follow on-screen steps till the process is complete. During installation shell extension is enabled

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User Interface:

The user interface shows main settings panel with the following buttons:

[Image: dsTxRJy.jpg]

Main: The main window in iWatermark Pro. The place where you will do your watermarking.

Watermark Manager: unique tool that lets you create, edit or delete watermarks

Watermark Editor: help you to create the watermark you have selected  

Filtering: Set the filter to allow certain types of files to be processed

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[Image: fEHo5gm.png]

Resizing: Change the size and sampling of the processed photos.

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[Image: gB3cfuc.png]

[Image: iIzEIYb.png]

[Image: 4ZKmuew.png]

Renaming: Rename all the processed photos automatically.

[Image: 2vf2gOM.png]

Thumbnails: Create thumbnails of the processed photos.

[Image: EUdDhpq.png]

EXIF/IPTC/XMP: these are types of metadata that can be added to the photo or the watermark

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[Image: muwr2Km.png]

Output:  Here you can change the file format, quality and JPEG progressive. Many export settings are available here too.

Advanced: these are advanced options that don’t normally need to be changed.

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[Image: dDuTNNl.png]

[Image: UOG7rXf.png]

Register: enter your registration info after purchase to complete activation process

[Image: punVmKn.jpg]

Each tab in the toolbar above corresponds to an area which deals with particular types of actions.

Program Menus:

[Image: 2Mlf4eI.gif]

Types of watermarks?

Most watermark app can do a text watermark and a few have a graphic watermark. iWatermark takes it a lot farther and has 12 watermark types. Each type serves a different purpose.

[Image: CPIH3lh.png]


Any text including metadata with settings to change font, size, color, rotation, etc.

[Image: y2eK5bY.jpg]

Text Arc:

Text on a curved path.

[Image: E94hS7I.jpg]

Bitmap Graphic:

A graphic is usually a transparent .png file like your logo, brand, copyright symbol, etc. To import.

Vector Graphic (Coming for Android):

Use over 5000 built-in vector (SVG’s) to display perfect graphics at any size.

Border Graphic (Coming on Android):

A vector border that can be stretched around an image and customized using a variety of settings.

QR Code

A kind of barcode with information like email or url in it’s coding.


Sign, import or scan your signature into a watermark to sign your creations.        


Adding information (like your email or url) to the IPTC or XMP part of the photo file.

[Image: FHwjlUj.png]


StegoMark is our proprietary steganographic method of embedding information like your email or url into the picture data itself.

Resize (Coming for Android):

Change the size of a photo. Particularly useful for Instagram

Custom Filters (Coming for Android)

Many filters that can be used to stylize a photos look.

How to create the watermark type you need?

At the bottom left of the ‘Watermark Manager’ click the blue + button at the bottom of the drawer.

[Image: cde7tK7.png]

You can create any new watermark using a specific type and save it to the list of saved watermarks to be used later

[Image: Qnc1y3T.png]

[Image: Ibt8Tg0.png]

iWatermark Manager Settings: these include preview, edit, share, date and many more

[Image: krCiURy.jpg]

Visible vs Invisible Watermarks

Some watermarks are visible and others invisible. Both serve different purposes.
A visible watermark is where you superimpose your logo or signature onto your image.
An invisible watermark is hidden throughout the picture, within the code that generates it, is a recognizable pattern that identifies it as being your artwork.

What are the New Features?

- stegomark now maintains original size and DPI with the hidden embedded text.
- registration dialog comes to the front and cannot be hidden by other windows.
- version number added to bottom left corner of main window

[Image: IpCqkGk.jpg]

[Image: shqtRs6.jpg]


Batch watermark entire folders of images at once.
Scale all your images to be the same size.
Creates thumbnails of your watermarked images.
Use text, TIFF or PNG logos for your watermarks
Set the transparency of your watermark.
Rotate, scale, and place your watermark, anywhere on your picture.
Use special effects such as aqua, shadow and/or emboss on your watermark.
Preserve the metadata captured with the image, such as EXIF, IPTC and XMP.
Input and Output your watermarked image into a variety of different image formats.
Less expensive, more efficient, faster and simpler to use then PhotoShop. iWatermark is exclusively designed for watermarking.
Create and use QR codes (like barcodes) as watermarks (Pro and iPhone/iPad only).
Use built in Creative Commons watermarks (Pro only).
Use many watermarks simultaneously (Pro only).
Import/Export/Share watermarks you create (Pro only).
Set location watermark by x,y which insures your watermark appears in the same place no matter what size or resolution the images are.
Too many features to list. Download to try it out.

How to use the program:

[Image: qZhWp2k.png]

The use of the program is very easy, just follow these THREE simple steps: [Select image, select watermark, process]

[Image: ZhM64VJ.jpg]

Select or drag to the ‘Input Well’ a photo or photos and/or folders of photo(s) to be processed.

Select/highlight a watermark or watermarks (yes, iWatermark can watermark with more than one watermark on at a time) in the watermark drawer at the right.

Create a folder on your desktop and select or drag it into the ‘Output Well’.

[Image: XVFqryi.png]

Hit the Start Processing button.

Done! Check the output folder for your watermarked images

You can use many visible watermarks simultaneously on a photo or photos but only 1 metadata or stegomark. Each watermark selected in the Watermark Manager is added to the photo in a batch. You can select more than one watermark in the Watermark Manager.

[Image: JRUAKiR.png]

Applying Watermark from Windows Explorer:

Right click on an image file (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, PSD) then select ‘Watermark with iWatermark Pro’ and in the hierarchical menu, one of the watermarks listed. The image is now watermarked. Quick and simple.

Image Formats supported:

Input Image Formats

Photoshop (Requires Quicktime)
PICT (Macintosh Only)

[Image: y1G3Qsp.png]

Output Image Formats

PICT (Macintosh Only)
BMP (Windows Only)

More formats supported with Quick time.

Maximum Number of Photos:

Unlimited (based on memory)


4x or more faster, 64 bit

Help Manual:


Do you need to use watermark software?

Sure the answer is yes, for the following reasons:

If you share an amazing photo you’ve taken via Email, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. it’s very likely to go viral then they fly off globally out of your control and without any connection to you as the creator. But digitally sign your work/photos/graphic/artwork using iWatermark with your name, email or url and your photos have a visible and legal connection to you wherever they go.
Build your company brand, by having your company logo on all your images.
Avoid the surprise of seeing your artwork elsewhere on the web or in an ad.
Avoid the conflicts and headaches with plagiarists who claim they didn’t know that you created it.
Avoid the costly litigation that can be involved after that.
Avoid intellectual property squabbles.

Why iWatermark Pro is the best choice for you?

Many types of watermarks
Can apply more than 1 watermark at the same time
More professional
Less expensive, faster and easier
Compatible with all platforms with ability to share watermarks between these apps
Use photos of different resolutions and orientations in a batch and still keep the watermark on each photo looking the same because of the Scaling tool.


iWatermark works as a standalone digital watermarking app with other photo browsers like Lightroom, Picasa and ACDSee. If you put your photos on the web then anyone can take and use them for whatever they like. Don’t get ripped off, even a very small digital watermark will help protect your intellectual property.  Watermark 1 or thousands of images at a time. Used by beginners, pros, and large organizations. Designed to save photographers time.
All watermarks in this review were done using the program: iWatermark Pro
Thanks for the great review and instructions for use.

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