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Update jv16 PowerTools
jv16 PowerTools

Size: 7.16 MB

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jv16 PowerTools
Changes in jv16 PowerTools
  • Bug fix: Running the System Cleaner can make the program to either freeze or automatically close. This only happens in approximately 1 system per 45.
  • 2) Bug fix: The Internet Optimizer scan can freeze and stay on the screen forever. Also a rare issue, under 1 system per 45.
  • Bug fix: The Initial Setup or running of the scans may cause the program to display Not Responding in its window caption.
  • Bug fix: Running the application cache cleaning feature of the System Cleaner can clean PowerDVD 19’s unused playlists.
  • Bug fix: The font size inside the circular progress view in the scan progress screens can be set incorrectly, usually resulting a too large font size to be used.
  • Bug fix: The Check For Updates screen may not always display a button to download the new version (if any is available).
  • Bug fix: It’s not possible to translate the Restart PowerTools and Close PowerTools buttons in the user interface.
  • Bug fix: If you change the program’s language but do not click either Restart PowerTools or Close PowerTools buttons, the program will wait forever. (It should automatically click the Restart PowerTools button as the UI says, but never actually does.)
  • Bug fix: Uninstalling certain software can cause the program to get stuck and the uninstallation does not complete.
  • Bug fix: Software Uninstaller does not always warn you if you are about to uninstall software without unininstalling a relating software. In these cases, there should be an extra confirmation message but it is not always shown.
  • Bug fix: Command line parameters do not work. Even if you start the main executable as jv16pt.exe -uninstaller, it will only start the program normally with its main screen, not the Software Uninstaller.
  • Bug fix: The Trans_Missing.txt file may contain items which do, in fact, exist in the current translation file.
  • Bug fix: Uninstalling software with the Software Uninstaller can terminate the Windows explorer.exe process.
  • Bug fix: Software Uninstaller can list Steam games or apps incorrectly under the Leftover Software category.
  • Bug fix: The scans can start with the text “Starting” not correctly entered on the scan progress screen.
  • Bug fix: Uninstalling Filezilla by Software Uninstaller makes the computer to reboot due to the Software Uninstaller failing to check the Reboot Later radio button.
  • Bug fix: The System Cleaner and Software Uninstaller result lists can display large black boxes visual artefacts when scrolling the lists for the first time.
  • Bug fix: Enabling the automatic error fixing mode from Settings causes the System Cleaner to fail with a blank white screen.
  • Improved the overall performance of the program, from starting the first time and also the scan speed.
  • Installing the software over any older version will now automatically uninstall the old version before installation. The previous version could only detect this and show an error message asking user to manually uninstall the old version before installing the new. Now it’s automatic.
  • The Clean And Fix Everything button of System Cleaner is now bigger to make it easier to see.
  • Changed the button caption of the System Cleaner report screen from “Close” to “View Results” to make it clearer that clicking this button will show you the scan results.
  • The My Account data (the license owner name and email address) is now also saved to the Windows registry if an uninstallation key for jv16 PowerTools already exists there. This way, if you delete all of PowerTools files, the My Account data is still remembered and stored in the registry. This data is removed if you choose to uninstall the program. Also, the registry is not used unless you choose to add PowerTools to the Windows Control Panel during the installation.
  • The circular scan progress indicator’s size is now better adjusted for the size of the window and the screen.
  • Comes with updated translation files, such as updated Dutch.
  • Improved the format of the Trans_Missing.txt to take into account the name of the translation in question.
  • Improved the accuracy of Steam game and app detection of the Software Uninstaller.
  • Greatly improved Software Uninstaller’s ability to detect software installation directories and software main executable paths.
  • Reduced the frequency the program creates System Restore Points. For example, if you install the app and it creates a System Restore Point, there is no need to create one if you five minutes later run the System Cleaner or Software Uninstaller.
  • Improved the overall smoothness of the scan progress screen. Less elements jumping around and resizing during the scan.
  • The default action button of each tool is now highlighted and larger.
  • Added a loading spinner also to the Settings screen. Now the Backups, Settings and My Accounts all start with the same way.

Size: 7.59 MB

DOWNLOAD jv16 PowerTools Trial
jv16 PowerTools

Changes in jv16 PowerTools
  • Bug fix: Choosing to clean the cookie or history data of only some browsers in the Settings window can cause the System Cleaner not to clean any browsers cookie or history data.
  • Bug fix: The “Congratulations! No errors or unneeded data found from your computer” message may get stuck in a loop and displayed over and over again after the System Cleaner.
  • Bug fix: The top one pixel of the message box window’s buttons many not be visible if the system is using higher than 100% font size setting in Windows.
  • Bug fix: Fixed a misspelled word “erros” from the English user interface (should be “errors”).
  • Bug fix: The check for multiple program instances is not always working, allowing user to run multiple instances of the program at the same time.
  • Bug fix: Internet Optimizer can edit the DNS settings set by installed VPN or internet security software suite. This has now been addressed by detecting these settings and informing user that the Internet Optimizer cannot be run in this case.
  • Bug fix: Running the Software Uninstaller can display an error message relating to converting date. This is a very rare issue, happning in under one system in one hundred.
  • Bug fix: The scan progress screen can display lines starting with an empty space character. This is a cosmetic issue but fixed now nevertheless.
  • Bug fix: The program can display gray color panels behind texts if user is using Windows with the classic theme or high contrast theme enabled.
  • Bug fix: Uninstallation of software with the Software Uninstaller can display the warning message of uninstalled software being similar to another software multiple times.
  • Bug fix: The System Cleaner can list firewall policy registry entries which are recreated by Windows.
  • Bug fix: Adding a drive letter to the Ignore List will not prevent software from that hard drive being listed in the Software Uninstaller.
  • Bug fix: Closing the program too soon after running the Initial Setup can cause the Initial Setup to be run again on the next time the program is started.
  • Bug fix: System Cleaner’s checkboxes are incorrectly aligned if user’s system is using large fonts in Windows settings.
  • Bug fix: The program can fail to detect installed browsers in some systems and this causes the browser cleaning options of these browsers not to be visible in the Settings > System Cleaner and also not run during System Cleaner.
  • Bug fix: Some texts from the user interface cannot be translated, i.e. they do not exist in the English.txt file.
  • Bug fix: The color of the background panels in System Cleaner’s report screen can be incorrect.
  • Bug fix: The program does not correctly Windows language if it was changed by the user. For example, if you installed English Windows but then downloaded a Windows language pack to change its language to Polish, jv16 PowerTools will not automatically detect and load the Polish translation.
  • Bug fix: The program does not close itself if it is still running when user starts the uninstallation of jv16 PowerTools.
  • Bug fix: Clicking to Abort a scan may cause it to get stuck to a screen with text “Starting …”
  • Bug fix: Cleaning browser history data could cause browser bookmarks also be removed or altered in some rare cases.
  • System Cleaner now lists all the browser history and cookie data per domain, allowing you to choose what data to exactly clear.
  • The trial reminder or license information text at the bottom right corner of the main window is no longer clickable during the scan progress screen to avoid accidental clicks.
  • Improved the smoothness of scrolling the System Cleaner and Software Uninstaller result lists.
  • Improved the scan progress screen’s user interface smoothness. It should now show and update with far less element sizes being changed for no reason.
  • The Settings window’s Domain Whitelist and Global Ignore List features now automatically remove unneeded rows of data. For example, if you would enter “jv16 PowerTools” and “jv16” to the Global Ignore List, the row “jv16 PowerTools” would be automatically removed as it is already included in the row “jv16”.
  • Some users have been confused by the Invalid Metadata errors found by the System Cleaner, thinking that such error means that the file mentioned would be deleted by the System Cleaner. This is not the case. For example, if the System Cleaner reports that Explorer.exe has invalid metadata, it does not mean the file would be deleted. Instead, the System Cleaner would only fix its invalid metadata from the file system record.
  • Improved VPN and firewall and internet security software detection.
  • Internet Optimizer now refuses to start if the system is using local network based DNS to prevent any compatibility issues, for example with locally run network solution, VPNs, internet security software or locally run servers.
  • If you enter full URLs to the Domain Whitelist in the Settings window, the program will now know how to process them and only add the domain names.
  • Added an option to delete unused translations and clear jv16 PowerTools cache files (Tools > Maintenance menu).
  • Added an information text to My Account’s user interface to inform the user that an internet connection is required. This is not shown if a connection has already been detected.
  • Attempting to activate a license in My Account without newsletter subscription setting will now automatically scroll the setting into view.
  • System Cleaner will now show more information messages relating to the found items. These were designed to address some of the common misconceptions of the results.
Size: 7.26 MB

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jv16 PowerTools

Changes in jv16 PowerTools
Bug Fixes
  • The previous version fixed the problem about Firefox bookmarks being modified or removed during System Cleaner. The original bug was rare, only occurring in some systems. The last version fixed it for many users but not perfectly. This build now fixes it for good.
  • The program may fail to start on some systems. If this happens, you will only see the initial splash screen and nothing else ever shows up.
  • The Initial Setup can take a very long time to run on some systems.
  • Tools menu > Maintenance > Flush Cache does not trigger the Initial Setup to run again, even if it says it would.
  • If you don’t have a browser installed, for example Firefox, the System Cleaner will still search for its cookies and history data. This makes the scan a few seconds slower than what it should be.
  • System Cleaner can incorrectly say no items found even if some were found.
  • On small screens the splash screen’s bottom texts can overlap the version number text.
  • System Cleaner can ask for permission to close web browsers even if you have selected not to run any browser related cleaning modules.
  • System Cleaner can search for temporary files even if the temporary file scan module has been disabled from Settings.
  • The Ignore List may not work in cases of you want to ignore certain types of registry data, and the System Cleaner will therefore continue to list this data.
  • Starting the System Cleaner can show confirmation text in English, even if you are using the program in another language.
  • The program can display Stringlist Out Of Bounds error when starting. This is a very rare issue, happening only in some systems.
  • Ignoring software with the Software Uninstaller via the Right Click menu does not remove it from the list, it is only not shown the next time even though System Cleaner removes the item from list immediately after item is ignored.
  • Internet Optimizer can get stuck in the Starting … screen.
Feature Improvements:
  • Improved the detection and the listing of browser cache data.
  • System Cleaner’s information message boxes are now shown only if System Cleaner is open and active.
  • Made the user interface for the System Cleaner settings clearer.
  • Installing a new version of PowerTools over the old one causes in some cases of important (but not critical) cache files never to be created, as the Initial Setup has already ran when the old version was installed. Now, the program will detect if such cache files are missing and perform an Initial Setup again if needed.
  • Increased the waiting thresholds of information messages in the application to avoid too many tips or other non essential message boxes to be displayed in too rapid progression.
  • All the three main tool text captions are now visible. Before, only the default tool or the currently selected tool caption text was visible, which some users found difficult to use.
  • The program will now attempt to detect a running setup of jv16 PowerTools and automatically close itself. This way you are not prompted with an error message of a file in use if you try to update while the program is still running.
  • My Account’s Apply button is now only visible if needed.
  • Aborting a scan can cause the user interface to get not responsive. Therefore, the Aborting scans feature is currently not available until we improve and fix it.

Size: 7.71 MB
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