09-12-2015 , 11:32 AM
Quote:With the Awesome plan ($102/year), you get:
- Up to 10 social profiles (as opposed to just one of each). So, you could manage multiple accounts (like multiple company Twitter accounts or personal ones along with professional ones.)
- Up to 100 Posts in your Buffer (as opposed to only storing 10 at a time). This means you can add posts pretty much as far ahead as you would like to.
- Varied schedules. With the Individual Plan you can choose days and times but not different times for different days. So, I can have my posts go out at 3 PM and 5 PM, Monday and Wednesday. On the paid plan, you can have 3 go out every Monday, 2 on Tuesday, 6 on Friday, etc. All at whatever times you set.
- 15 RSS Feed per connected profile. You’re able to connect up to fifteen feeds for each of your connected profiles.