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MailTime Pro
[Image: 1025252985_Screenshot_1447400931.jpg]

To whom it may concern,
MailTime is the Email Messenger!
MailTime is an open mobile messenger built with email technology. It’s email as quick and easy as texting, and messaging without forcing all your contacts to download the same app.
We reformat your cluttered email threads into clean bubble conversations and separate the important human messages in your inbox from the discounts and newsletters.
MailTime supports multiple email accounts, as well as Gmail, iCloud, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL, Office 365,, Hotmail, QQ,163, 126, Tencent Enterprise, Google Apps Mail services. You can also attach files from Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, Box, and One Drive with MailTime.
UPDATES: Now users can search within MailTime from any screen using the Spotlight Search. Jump into a new email with 3D Touch, Peek into emails before opening, Swipe a quick reply, or Long Press to expand email bubbles, addresses, contacts and web links with ease.
Email Messaging:
Our content parsing engine cuts out annoying metadata to display emails in clean bubbles. View your emails as conversations, not threads!
Communicate, Don't Organize:
Our intelligent inbox sorts out the Important humans from the newsletters, discounts, and other machine-generated mail in All Mail. Talk to people you care about, not machines!
Group Chats:
Managing your conversations in MailTime is just like a group chat. To add, remove, or switch participants to 'cc' or 'bcc', just swipe left and change your participants' status.
One Click To-dos:
Use the @ symbol to quickly assign tasks without leaving the inbox. For example, "@Charlie, Please download MailTime", will put the rest of that sentence into Charlie's Mentions list, next to the group status list.
Just like Twitter prevents you from writing more than 140 characters, MailTime alerts you if your message is too long. You can still send them, but no guarantees that they'll be read!

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