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Antimalware and antivirus solutions
Antimalware and antivirus solutions

Because so many types of malware and viruses are in the wild—and cybercriminals are creating more every day—most antimalware and antivirus solutions rely on multiple methods to detect and block suspicious files. The four main types of malware detection are:

Signature-based scanning. This is a basic approach that all antimalware programs use, including free ones. Signature-based scanners rely on a database of known virus signatures. The success of the scanner depends on the freshness of the signatures in the database.

Heuristic analysis. This detects viruses by their similarity to related viruses. It examines samples of core code in the malware rather than the entire signature. Heuristic scanning can detect a virus even if it is hidden under additional junk code.

Real-time behavioral monitoring solutions. These seek unexpected actions, such as an application sending gigabytes of data over the network. It blocks the activity and hunts the malware behind it. This approach is helpful in detecting fileless malware.

Sandbox analysis. This moves suspect files to a sandbox or secured environment in order to activate and analyze the file without exposing the rest of the network to potential risk.

IT security professionals can augment their organization's malware and virus defenses by updating and patching applications and platforms. Patches and updates are especially critical for preventing fileless malware, which targets application vulnerabilities and cannot be easily detected with antimalware solutions.

Likewise, implementing and encouraging data security best practices can be valuable in preventing data breaches. Basic best practices for password management and role-based access to data and applications, for example, can minimize the odds of a hacker gaining access to a system and limit a hacker's ability to do damage if they gain access. Regular security updates for employees can also help them spot potential threats and remind employees to practice good security hygiene.

Protect against malware and viruses with the McAfee advantage

McAfee products leverage a number of technologies that protect against malware and viruses. Below is a sampling of McAfee products that offer configurations designed to stop many types of malware:

McAfee Endpoint Security integrates threat prevention, web control, and a firewall, along with machine learning and advanced threat containment and correction, to stop the spread of both file-based and fileless malware.

McAfee Web Protection uses website reputations to prevent or warn users of websites where malware is distributed.

McAfee Threat Intelligence Exchange employs policy configuration that can identify and tag suspect processes.

McAfee Application Control offers a dual-layer defense of whitelisting technology and memory protection that can help prevent the execution of binaries originating from untrusted sources and block zero-day exploits.


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