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This Android Virus Takes Over Your Phone and Sends Out Offensive Messages
Quote:The latest iteration of Faketoken comes with added capabilities, technically becoming a mass texting tool that empties your bank account.

Faketoken has been around for several years already, as the malware was first discovered back in 2014. Each version, however, added new capabilities, so after working in conjunction with a desktop app and later stealing banking data on its own, Faketoken is back with a new approach.

Security company Kaspersky says Faketoken can now infect Android devices to turn them into mass texting tools, most of the time sending out offensive messages to a foreign number.

While there’s no logical explanation for why the malware authors decided to use an offensive message in their attack, the foreign number is a key part of the infection, as it increases the total cost users have to pay if their devices are compromised.

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