11-01-2015 , 08:23 AM
Process Lasso Pro
Giveaway Page: http://sharewareonsale.com/s/process-las...eaway-sale
Sale ends in: 1 day 23 hrs.
Quote:Process Lasso Pro is an award-winning CPU management tool that helps optimize CPU usage and stops rogue programs and processes from slowing down your computer. Features like ProBalance, Energy Saver, Gaming and Multimedia Mode, and more ensure your computer stays as fast as possible and is not bogged down by CPU wasting programs and processes. And now Process Lasso Pro comes with a new intelligent RAM optimizer known as SmartTrim, so you can use Process Lasso Pro to manage both CPU and RAM usage.
Don’t use snake oil offered by other companies — Process Lasso Pro is proven technology that works.
Giveaway Page: http://sharewareonsale.com/s/process-las...eaway-sale
Sale ends in: 1 day 23 hrs.