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MailWasher Pro
[Image: 1v7Ebb2.jpg]       [Image: EP8gibX.png]


Do you spend a lot of time with your inbox? Do you have a lot of spam messages and you want to delete? Is this driving you crazy? You need a program which do this in an easy and quick way. MailWasher Pro is an app that connects to your email server and retrieves all information regarding email waiting for you. It is designed mainly to help you preview and check any emails coming to your inbox, remove spam, viruses and unwanted attachments while you are completely safe and protected from any harm. The program allows you to easily eliminate the email you don't want so that no threats will be delivered on your computer. The program has many built-in tools which let you download, delete, or bounce emails back to the sender. In that way, you will be able to only get the email you want. You can use your email program to download only those messages you will keep.


Program homepage:


System Requirements:

The program supports all Microsoft windows versions; Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10. Both 32 and 64 bit are supported. 1GB free RAM and 64Mb free HDD and an Internet connection.


First you need to download MailWasher Pro setup file then double click and follow simple wizard to have the program installed on your computer. The installation wizard will import your email accounts either from your installed email program, or ask you to manually enter your email account settings (if not found). It will also import your contacts and add them to the friends list. You will be able to select your default email program. You can change it at any time later if you want. In addition, it will ask you to turn off automatic checking in your email program to avoid getting unwanted email in your inbox

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Purchase and Registration:

The program will offer you 30 days full functioning version. This gives you enough time to test all the program features and enjoy its benefits.  After 30 days trial is over, you will need to purchase a license and register your software. This will give you many advantages as real time spam blocking, the mobile version and updates to the software. You will enjoy support at any time.
Registration dialogue is available under help menu. Simply use the license key sent to your email after purchase while connected online, then click activate

[Image: 1wWMcLL.png]

User Interface:

The user interface is very friendly, easy to use and well arranged. It shows four main buttons, inbox, recycle bin, settings and event log. The inbox section which is the main part is arranged with four parts. In the upper part, there is the menu bar and the working toolbar with the main features and tools needed. In the lower part, the preview pane. The left side shows classify, delete and status and the right side shows the filters sidebar

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Email display options:

[Image: 18YajqG.png]

The number of emails checked for deletion will be displayed in the right lower corner. This helps to avoid accidental email deletetion

Filters sidebar:

This section is present on the right side of the main user interface. It includes of two tabs, namely Lists and Evaluation.

The Lists section includes three options namely friends list, blacklist and filters. The Friends List as its name implies contains the email addresses of your friends. You want to receive mail from this group. The Blacklist lets you easily ban spammers from your inbox. All you need to do is to add the unwanted email address to your Blacklist and the program will do everything for you. In case you receive an email from that address, it will be automatically deleted. The Blacklist is useful in many situations. For example; if you can’t do unsubscribe from a specific mailing list. Finally, you can define what type of emails the program will tag as spam or legitimate. This is done easily using the built-in Filters. You can simply use regular expression filters which will automatically categorize your emails. In addition, you can easily create your own filter.

[Image: srTO0gH.png]

[Image: 0qSc9qE.png]


 This part lists all the spam tools used in the evaluation of your emails and gives a score for each. These individual scores help you to have a total score. This lets you easily decide if the received email is good or spam or undetermined.

[Image: WGiSuLD.png]

[Image: qHOQRkv.png]

Right click menu options available:

You can right click any email in your inbox. The right click menu offers you easy and quick access to many options and features.

[Image: xzhj9LG.png]


Support for unlimited POP3 and IMAP email accounts  
Quickly preview emails from any service provider and almost all webmail providers (Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, AOL etc)
Anti-spam tools such as Friendslist, Blacklist, RBL's, community spam filter, custom filters and learning filters to ensure legitimate and spam email is properly recognized.
Preview pane to see all aspects of your email, (including headers and where links actually link to).
Emails are shown in plain text to avoid viruses and malicious scripts running automatically.
Full searchable recycle bin which helps you to retrieve any accidentally deleted email.
Customizable look and feel to enhance usability.
Quick and easy setup with inbuilt wizards.
Multiple language support

Now let me discuss how MailWasher pro will help you:

You need first to remember not to check any email using your email client. This is very important for your safety. Simply launch MailWasher program which will connect to your email account on the server and loads message available. You can change how your emails are sorted by clicking the appropriate column header to see the emails you need first. For example, you can click the sent column header to view the emails in the order they were downloaded.  Now, you can easily preview the complete message content (in plain text format) by clicking through each email with no harm. If the email received is spam or contain any threats or viruses you can easily delete it. Very Simple and will keep your computer safe. All you have to do is to check mark in the delete column to each email you wish to delete, then press the Wash Mail button. that’s all. You can easily delete many messages at once. This will save your time and help you. Other emails will simply be downloaded to your email program as normal.
You can train mailwasher which after a few times becomes very good in recognizing spam that appear in red color and good email which appear in green color. The “Classify column” on the left side will make it easy for you to classify your emails as 'good' which appear as thumbs up or as 'spam' with (thumbs down).

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[Image: OJlIl3V.png]

Friend List:

This is a built-in feature which lets you specify the email addresses you want to receive emails from. If you want to add a sender to your Friends list, simply right click the email and select and select “Add Sender to Friends List”. That’s all! At any time, you wish to manage your Friends list, you can do this easily using the settings option friends List located under spam tools

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[Image: 8VWZijb.gif]


This feature is of great help to you. You will be able to customize a list of email addresses you don’t wish to receive any emails from. For example, spammers, advertisers and so on. At any time if you receive an email and you want to add the sender to your blacklist, the process is very easy. Simply right click and select Add sender to Blacklist. In addition, you can easily blacklist all emails from a certain domain, for example everyone at Using the right click menu on the sender email, select Add domain to Blacklist. Very easy, professional and keep you safe. At any time, you can easily view and manage your blacklist using backlist option located under spam tools in the program settings. For example if you want to remove an email address from the blacklist

[Image: jq5ezJd.png]

Auto Delete Unwanted Emails:

The program has a built-in feature that make unwanted email deletion an automated process without doing any effort. You will not need to manually delete these emails. This is very useful and time saving. For example, if you don't want to receive any emails from spammers, advertisers or some untrusted addresses. All you have to do is to check auto delete option in each spam tool. For example, if you select the auto delete option in the Blacklist, any email from a sender in your blacklist will be automatically deleted.

[Image: MGCeKWC.png]

The bounce feature:

This is a tool which bounces an email back to the sender who will have the impression that your email address no longer exists. In that way, they will not send you any more email. The use of this feature is very easy. Simply; right click any email or use the preview pane and select bounce. The color of the email text will be grey, then click the 'Wash Mail' button. That’s all!

Searching for emails:

The program has a built-in search tool. This lets you do search for any email in the inbox and the recycle bin. You can start searching by simple click on the 'Search inbox' button. After you finish searching, close the search. This helps to save your time and find any email you need with a single mouse click

Preview Pane:

The Preview Pane is located in the lower part of the program window below your messages. It allows you to view all aspects of each email. For safety reasons and to protect you, the email will be displayed in plain text. This is safer than html format despite it’s well known that html format is better and offers good colors with images. With use of html; your computer runs the risk of being infected with a virus or some other piece of spyware or malware. If you know the sender or trust him, you can view the email in html format if you wish. Simply click the View in HTML button in the preview pane and you are done
 You can use the preview pane to read the entire email, look at the attachment names, and see where links actually go to. In addition, Show Email Info link offers you extra information arranged in three tabs; general, source and spam tools. The general tab offers info about the email and the headers of each email. The Source tab contain information about the sender, this make it easy to know if the email is legitimate. You can also reply directly to someone by using the Reply button. Many other options are available as spam tools, delete, bounce and many others

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Hide and group emails:

This feature is very useful for you as it allows you to categorize and view related email. For example, you can group messages into groups regarding status (good or spam) or email accounts or even both. You can do this easily using right click menu of column or group bar in display menu. Mail hide options available through the program settings, (in spam tools) help you in a similar way. For example, you can hide emails from friend list, so any email on the list is unwanted

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[Image: UgsSCyt.png]

[Image: IqrPDCn.png]

[Image: n0nM1mx.gif]

Using the Recycle Bin:

Sometimes, a good email may be accidentally deleted. No problem, don’t panic. The built-in recycle bin tool will store your deleted email. Check the email you deleted then click restore. That’s all. Your email will be automatically added back to your inbox.

[Image: 24CksyJ.png]

The event log:

This button displays all events which occur during program use. For example, problems encountered (as incorrect password, server login problem and so on) and suggested fixes.

[Image: XN9ngPO.png]

Program settings:

Located as a separate button on the main screen of the program. It includes general options, accounts, spam tools, display options, recycle bin and sync

General: application (startup, language, font…), checking mail, notifications, washing mail, performance, update

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[Image: ZaB4hWe.png]

[Image: cYUYqBB.png]

Spam tools: friend list, blacklist, filters, origin of spam, first alert, learning settings, spam ratings, spam reporting, profanity list

[Image: HhHNZa7.png]

[Image: Gjxpmao.png]

Filters: You can use the built-in filters or create new one. For example if you are getting emails from your email address

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[Image: hjgpScg.png]

[Image: NczRWeK.png]

First alert is the firetrust pool of spam messagess. Any email sent to you is checked against this collection

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[Image: XUPIJFE.png]

[Image: KTRMKmh.png]

[Image: XFIsBLI.png]

Display settings: general, inbox, recycle bin, event log and alerts

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[Image: 5cauIPW.png]

[Image: zWOHpey.png]

Recycle bin:

[Image: m4Vcqhs.png]


[Image: gpllxpx.png]

Youtube channel for learning:

Pros, advantages and benefits of Mailwasher program:

 There are many benefits to using MailWasher Pro to preview any email before it gets to your computer. I will explain to you how this is important for you.

First; You need to know that one of the most important benefits you will enjoy is time saving and better management of your inbox. No more cluttering of your email. Only important messages will be delivered to your email client while other spam and unwanted emails will be automatically deleted. The program lets you quickly preview your messages, sort it into spam or good, then get rid of all spam with simple mouse click of the 'Wash Mail' button. Now you can concentrate on your work with no time lost to check spam and junk emails

No more spam, unwanted newsletters and other junk: The program collects and classifies all your messages and lets you easily make the final decision before the spam is removed.

Never lose an email with the help of fully searchable recycle bin which lets you restore any email deleted by accident

Avoid viruses and malicious emails thanks to the plain text mode for email preview. You can read any email with no problems or harm. 

Only the good emails are downloaded to your computer.

Friendly easy to use interface

Help, support and many tutorials are available for you at any time

Customizable: MailWasher allows some basic customization to change colors, text size, placements of elements and other changes. This is easily done through the display options located in the main interface and app settings

Hot keys support which allows you to use the keyboard to create actions


The program doesn’t support proxy server


MailWasher Pro is an easy to use anti-spam program that works by letting you preview all aspects of your email at your internet service provider and remove all unwanted email before it gets to your computer. The built-in spam tools help to easy specify the email you want to keep and automatically delete any unwanted emails. The program will save your time and protect you against malicious spam and email viruses.
Thanks a lot for the very good review!  Thumb
Thanks for the review.
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it is too hard to do a pretty review like you

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