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Joe Biden Crashes and Burns in First White House Presser of 2022
#1  DISASTER: Joe Biden Crashes and Burns in First White House Presser of 2022
January 19th 2022, 5:16 pm
Admits Putin will probably invade Ukraine, claims 2022 midterms won't be legitimate, refuses to apologize for Afghanistan, blames failures on Republicans, and yells at reporters.  Joe Biden held his first White House press conference of 2022, and it was a complete and total disaster.

Biden kicked off the Wednesday presser by blaming Republicans for his policy failures and insisting he did a great job as president in his first year.

    Biden: “What are Republicans for? What are they for? Name me one thing they’re for.”
    — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 19, 2022

    Joe Biden tries to downplay empty shelves:

    “I often see empty shelves being shown on television. 89% are full, which is only a few points below what it was before the pandemic.”
    — (@townhallcom) January 19, 2022

Biden even claimed he “over-performed” as president despite supply chain breakdowns, rampant inflation and energy price hikes.

    REPORTER: Inflation is up, your legislation is stalled…voting reform is going to fail, COVID-19 is still taking lives…and the nation’s divisions are still as raw as over a year ago. Did you over-promise?

    BIDEN: “I didn’t over promise but I have probably outperformed…”
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 19, 2022

    Biden: “For the first time in a long time, this country’s working people actually got a raise.”

    This is false. Inflation is WIPING OUT wage gains.
    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 19, 2022

    Biden says Build Back Broke won’t “raise a single penny in taxes on people making under $400,000 a year.”

    He’s lying.
    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 19, 2022

But things really went off the rails during the Q&A portion of the presser, where he admitted that Russian President Vladimir Putin would likely invade Ukraine in what he called a “minor incursion.”

    NOW – Biden on Russia invading Ukraine: “It depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion…”
    — (@disclosetv) January 19, 2022

But don’t worry, Biden warned that Russia is “gonna pay” if they invade Ukraine.

    NOW – Biden on Russia: “If they invade, they’re gonna pay … Their banks will not be able to deal with dollars.”
    — (@disclosetv) January 19, 2022

When asked if he would apologize for his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan last August, Biden refused, saying he’d “make no apologies.”

    Biden when asked about his DISASTROUS withdrawal from Afghanistan that lead to the death of 13 American Heroes:

    “I make no apologies for what I did.”
    — Benny (@bennyjohnson) January 19, 2022

Later, Biden claimed the 2022 midterm elections won’t be “legitimate” if Republicans don’t help him pass the Democrats election overhaul legislation.

    REPORTER: “Do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be legitimate?”

    PRES. BIDEN: “Well, it all depends…”
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 19, 2022

When asked why such a large percentage of the electorate have “profound” concerns about his cognitive health, Biden fittingly replied, “I have no idea.”

    REPORTER: “Why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness?”

    BIDEN: “I have no idea.”
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 19, 2022

Biden lost his temper at a reporter who pressed him about his divisive speech last week calling Republicans who oppose him as “domestic enemies.”

    Joe Biden gets very angry at @PhilipWegmann when he presses him about comparing Republicans who oppose his voting bill to George Wallace and Bull Connor

    “Go back and read what I said”
    — Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 19, 2022

It wouldn’t be a proper Biden presser without the puppet president blanking out and rambling intermittently, which he certainly did while struggling to explain why he’s polling so low.

    This is very hard to watch.
    — Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 19, 2022

He also claimed no other president has “done as much” as him in their first year.

    REPORTER: "You told people…if voters give Democrats the House and the Senate and the Presidency, that all these big things can get accomplished…Why should folks believe you this time around?"

    BIDEN: "Can you think of any other president that has done as much in one year?"
    — Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 20, 2022

Former President Trump slammed Biden in a subsequent statement calling out his list of pre-approved reporters asking “softball” questions.

“How come Biden picks a reporter off a list, in all cases softball questions, and then reads the answer? I would never have been allowed to get away with that, nor would I have to!” he wrote.


    President Donald J .Trump:

    “How come Biden picks a reporter off a list, in all cases softball questions, and then reads the answer? I would never have been allowed to get away with that, nor would I have to!”
    — Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) January 19, 2022

Watch Biden’s full presser:
Over the last year, the three network evening newscasts have done their best to hide Joe Biden's policy disasters, such as Afghanistan and the border. They have ignored controversies involving Hunter Biden, as well as extremist nominees picked by the President.

On the occasion of his first anniversary in office, MRC analysts looked at the most neglected Joe Biden stories in year one to see just how little broadcast network evening newscast coverage they got. Here they are:

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