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Coronavirus experience
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It is only DM worldwide conspiracy. Get rid of excess population in the world. States are not profitable to pay pensions, social insurance .....

There is a natural selection!
Calm down. Do not take my head. Big Grin
World has gone mad!  Faint

A visit to the gynecology on remotely  Thumb

[Image: 3.1586546755.jpg]

Tomorrow I will go to the village that would not hear the news, no internet and TV!
When you get sick from CORONA VIRUS, you will have fever, a high fever, the highest fever that you have ever had in your life. 

It is not going to be like the typical flu & fever. You're going to breathe slowly, like you've had a sponge stuck in your nose. When you'll try to fill the air in your lungs by inhaling heavily you will feel like you are still short of breath. And that will scare you. You are going to cough a lot, so much so that you're going to tire until you almost pass out. Every time you do it, your chest, arms, back, fingers, toes will hurt. 

You will try to catch air through the nose and you will not be able to. So, they are going to give you oxygen and it is going to burn the entrance to your nose, that is going to hurt even more. And if you can't breathe, another doctor will come and put a couple of half-inch tubes down your throat to get past the bronchi and into the lungs. That is called an artificial respirator. It is really disturbing n annoying, and on top of that, you cannot speak or eat. You will be alone in a closed room. 

You will not be able to see your partner, your mother, or your father, or your children that you love so much, or your brothers; because you are going to infect them with the same thing that is killing you. You will feel so alone that you will start to cry and you will be afraid of dying. You will think of the ones you love and you will cry even more, that will worsen everything hence shortness of breath. 

Let's be positive! Life goes on! I think it 's all nonsense! Health is already being monitored.  Big Grin
Ohio’s statewide stay-at-home order was extended overnight until 11:59 p.m. on May 29.

Here’s the highlights:

Schools, daycares, beauty salons, and gyms must remain closed.

So must public and private pools, unless they are at a single household.

Restaurants and bars are serving carryout and delivery meals only. In-person dining remains prohibited, according to the new order.

Gatherings of more than 10 people are still prohibited.
Here Russians are?
I am Tatar. Buryats, Yakuts, Chukchi. Nenets. dolgana.

Get up the people!!!
We are uniform!!! We vygrat war!!!
Wrote by a nurse here in my state.


From a nurse in Summit County, OH. This is a letter she wrote to her County Commissioner, Governor DeWine, AG Barr, and President Trump.

Dear Mr. Regula,
I am writing to you in hopes that we can join the revolution that has started happening around Ohio. Several counties with approval from the county health department and sheriff’s offices, have started to allow full reopening against the “advice” of Governor Dewine and Amy Acton. I would hope that we can get Stark county to this point also.

Let me start off with saying, I am not just a concerned citizen listening to everything the media is shoving down my throat. I am a Registered Nurse, a “hero” to anyone else these days. But, I don’t feel like a hero, and I’ll tell you why. When this all started in March I had my doubts, I thought it was all crap, but I went along with the first order to stay home, “flatten the curve” and all that. I went to work my three 12 hour shifts a week, from 7pm to 7:30am and helped to prepare my hospital for the influx of cases we were told were coming in the weeks ahead. We put plans in place by appointing floors to be COVID only, we trained those nurses how to do donning and doffing of PPE correctly when handling these cases. We planned to open floors that are currently closed in anticipation of remodeling for patient overflow, we secured 130 ventilators and had an agreement with the emergency fund to be able to get more if and when they were needed. We discharged as many patients as we could to have open beds all over the hospital. After all, if the other units are all bogged down with COVID, the rest have to be ready for the others. WE WERE READY. But then, nothing happened. Sure we have COVID patients, but the most we have ever had at once since this all started? 46! 46 patient at once is the most we have ever had with COVID, and that included patients that had pending tests so they weren’t even all truly COVID because some of those did end up negative. And this is what we are being kept locked down for? Small business owners are losing their livelihood, their whole life, their homes, etc. for this!? As we started waiting for these patients with our census overall at an all time low, do you know what started happening to us “heroes”? We started getting calls and texts, “We don’t need you today, would you like to use your PTO for your hours?” There were nurses being called off every shift, everyday. Now, some people can and will argue that this is good, that means what we did worked. But does it? People have still been going to big stores like Walmart and Target, without masks, and this was supposed to mean it was going to spread like fire. That’s even what they are still saying now, but where is it? Where are all of these patients? With an incubation period of 14 days you would have to figure the entire state has been exposed at some point by now. So, why are we still being locked down? Plenty of scientific evidence shows that sunlight and heat kill the virus. There have been no cases in which a child has passed it to an adult. So I’m failing to find the connection here.

With the news on Friday of the new “order” our ER has been back to usual capacity, we went from maybe 12-20 patients back up to the 50-60 we are used to. But now there’s another difference, I don’t see a lot of COVID patients, instead I see assualt, suicidal, homicidal, OD, alcohol withdrawl, etc. These people are crying out for help. They feel helpless, how will they provide for their families, how do they live with themselves when they have to close a business founded by their parents or grandparents that they fought to turn into a success, what else is there to do but sit at home and drink or do drugs when they can’t see their loved ones? Is COVID really the enemy, or is what we have created from the fear of something that turned out to be relatively mild the real enemy? How do we comfort these patients? How would you if you had to? Could you truly look someone in the eye and try to talk them out of their hopelessness as they see their lives slip away? People are commiting suicide at an ALARMING RATE over this, including kids. Humans are not designed to be devoid of other humans. If you refer to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the 2nd need after air, water, clothing, etc. (basic survival needs) is SAFTEY and SECURITY, this includes things such as employment, property, family and social stability. The next step up from that? LOVE and BELONGING, which includes friendship, family, intimacy, and a sense of connection. This pyramid has been widely accepted and renowned in the psychiatric world since introduced by Maslow in 1943. Yet, we are denying our on citizens these basic human rights. Your friends, your neighbors, etc. This rights have been taken from them. Some people are at the point they can barely afford even the most basic of essentials with no income. The time has come to stop waiting for Dewine and Acton to get off their high horse of tyranny and give these rights back to who they belong to! You along with the two other commissioners can make this happen!!

I have been a nurse for some time, and before that I was an STNA in several nursing homes throughout Northeast Ohio for 12 years. Am I surprised that most of our numbers are coming from there? No. These people are older and fragile, they already most likely have several comorbidities that weaken their immune system, leaving them vulnerable to any illness, not just COVID. Let me also tell you the sombering part of nursing homes, many patients living there are just dumped there by family that never return. I have worked in the same place for years and never seen a single family member until they are on their deathbed, and sometimes not even then. This makes the patients obviously depressed, I mean wouldn’t you be? And they talk about how they have no will to live, and why would they? They have been taken from their home, placed in a tiny room, and no one they love visits, doesn’t sound like a life I would want. So they lose the will to fight, to live, and when they get sick with something (not just COVID, I’ve seen plenty of death from C-diff, flu, pneumonia, etc.) they give up. Now add into that, that not all people living in these facilities have this life. I have also had patients where the family visits everyday, brings snacks and grandkids, share stories and laugh, up until the final days. These patients are the ones that fight, that when they get sick we as the caregivers fear the worst, and they find their way back every time. I’ve seen patient survive things I would’ve bet money on them not beating just to continue on with their families. And yet now we have taken those patients, isolated them in their rooms, they can’t socialize with other residents, their families can’t visit, and they are succumbing to the illness. Scientists have proven that hugs, kisses, and just connecting with someone actually raises your immune system. We are depressing these residents and robbing them of having a good life until the end. This is wrong! If you had a family member in one of these facilities would you stand for this? I know I sure wouldn’t, and we shouldn’t ask anyone else to either.

Next is the masks, while I understand businesses are allowed to make whatever rules they want, none of them were requiring masks until Dewine offered it. Have you ever heard of hypercapnia? It’s a very serious and dangerous disorder that comes from breathing too much CO2, which is what people are doing when they are being forced to wear masks for 8 and even 12 hour shifts. Now, as a nurse of course I wear a mask… work….for patient care. But when I am not in any patient room that mask is off. Within minutes of wearing a mask you feel the sweat pouring, it gets very hard to breathe, dizziness and headaches start. Trying to force someone to wear a mask all day is not only asinine, it’s dangerous. And no one had been wearing them up until now, so again, haven’t we already all been exposed at this point? Why now are we putting even more lives at risk for something supposedly for our “safety” When these employees pass out at work from the heat mixed with wearing a mask, who’s footing the bill for the medical services? Can we hold Dewine accountable since he “ordered” it, or Acton? Will these people have the health insurance needed for these services since they have no income and unemployment is a joke?

The last point I’d like to make is the CDC released new numbers yesterday, proving that previous numbers given for deaths in the US from COVID-19 were grossly over hyped and, like most of us already knew, these numbers were skewed due to all deaths being lumped into being called a COVID death. With the numbers released yesterday, we have only had HALF of the deaths that have been being reported by Dr. Acton, and in Ohio the numbers are only 1/10 of what she has reported! The CDC reports that now there have been only 37,308 deaths from COVID in the US, the ENTIRE US since 2/1/2020. Down from the 60,000+ that has been being reported. And Ohio numbers? 172……again 172! Didn’t Dr. Acton just put us at 1,000+ on Friday? And we are allowing her to “order” us to “stay safe”. I think its already safe to say that we are safe. I see more and more people out daily, not distancing, and I finally see people being happy. I know for my family and I we went to a park and played on the equipment and it was the most I’ve seen my kids smile in along time. My kids miss their friends, they miss going to school. My younger daughter has an IEP, I am not qualified to make sure she is staying in line with her IEP. That is not what I went to school for, I went to school to save lives. My daughter is falling more and more behind with remote learning. All of this needs to stop now! Please, come together with you fellow commissioners, the Stark County Health Department, and the Stark County Sheriff’s office to open back up. Preble County has already done it, with Darke, Miami, Mercer, and Shelby counties all following close behind. The citizens will remember who really looked out for it’s citizens come election time. We just want what is right and allowed to us by the Constitution. I have attached images which show the evidence for all points I have made throughout this email. Please open us up, before we lose it all. Thank you for reading.

Devan Lazor


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