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[Image: mailbird-logo.png]


The Outlook Killer

Get Mailbird, the Best Email Client for Windows

Multi-account (Supports IMAP & POP3)

Complete touch support

Integrated messaging apps

Integrated task management apps

Unified Email Inbox

Supports 17 languages

Integrated calendar apps

Customization (Colors & layout)

And apps like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Asana, Dropbox, Todoist, Google calendar,, and many more…

Your Inbox. Your Tasks. Together.

With Mailbird and, you can now link
your emails and their tasks directly.

Simply drag your emails into your daily task list.
By helping you organize your tasks and messages
easily and conveniently, & Mailbird ensures
you get to inbox zero in no time!

When you are ready to work on a task, just select it,
and the Mailbird email client opens any related emails for you.

[Image: 1nWkdkA.jpg]

There’s an app for that!
Productivity. Scheduling. Everything.

Mailbird is more than just an email client. It’s an amazing tool where all the apps and tools you already use to communicate, plan, and more can work together.

cal-iconTry the Google or Sunrise calendar apps to easily
schedule your meetings and combine multiple calendars.

wa-iconThe WhatsApp instant messaging app allows you to stay connected with your business partners, friends, and family easily via Mailbird.

ve-iconVeeting Rooms app is amazing for business meetings. When you need Swiss hosted secure and encrypted peer-to-peer connection. Includes secure p2p video, chat, whiteboard, and document sharing.

[Image: kIHhLMM.jpg]

Whatsapp & Email. Side by side.

With your WhatsApp stream running in your Mailbird email client, you can easily communicate with people via email and instant messaging at the same time.

Drag and drop attachments from your emails into Whatsapp to easily share photos, videos, and documents.

[Image: BeDn7oE.jpg]

Create your own layout.
Mailbird includes multiple unique layouts to match your style and how you work.
Take a look. Hover over a layout to see a preview.

[Image: jhM4UZF.jpg]

Make Mailbird yours.
Choose from tons of free color themes.
Transform your Mailbird email client into a work of art.

[Image: themes1-800x372.jpg]

Full touchscreen support.
Switch seamlessly between track-pad, mouse and touchscreen, as you swipe your way through your inbox.

Works with any laptop, touchscreen, or touch-pad.

[Image: touchscreen-1000x679.png]


[Image: Z48GIV5.jpg]
Thanks a lot for the good informative review.
Thanks asus73
thank you for detailed review

Good review!
thank you for the review
Thanks for review asus73
Nice review Thumb
Good Review. Thank you.
Thanks for another good review asus73

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