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Posted by mrtrout - 09-09-2020 , 03:15 AM     
Samsung Has Launched the Wireless Charger Apple Failed to Create
Samsung has a charging station for its products
Sep 2, 2020 16:38 GMT  ·  By Bogdan Popa  ·    Not a long time, Apple announced a product that everybody was super-excited about (sure, that’s not necessarily a surprise since we’re talking about the Apple world, but this device was really useful).

It was AirPower, a wireless charger that was supposed to let those fully committed to the Apple ecosystem to recharge all their devices at once. AirPower supported the iPhone, AirPods, and the Apple Watch, so again, it was just the perfect product for the hardcore Apple fanboy.

As everybody knows already, Apple wasn’t an early adopter of wireless charging, as the company has only recently introduced such capabilities on its mobile devices. But gradually, wireless charging has grown on Apple, and now the Cupertino-based tech giant finally understood how important the feature is for its users too.

AirPower was therefore a pretty cool device, only that Apple abandoned it along the way, eventually giving up on the project entirely. The reason was believed to be a technical issue that Apple came across while building the AirPower, and because the company didn’t want to offer a compromised experience to users, it just ditched the idea completely.

More recently, it has emerged that Apple didn’t give up on the plan of launching a wireless charging station for its devices, only that the company has now set less ambitious goals.